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Loads of women are having the exact same (hilarious) problem with this Pretty Little Thing top

Great, ANOTHER unrealistic body standard for women: Pea-sized heads.

ONLINE SHOPPING CAN be a risky business, we know. But we’ve rarely encountered this particular problem.

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Northern Irish student Olivia Skuce ordered a black mesh high-necked top from online retailer Pretty Little Thing, but when she tried it on, there was a rather glaring issue.

The £10 garment would simply not fit over her head:

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“I wasn’t sure if the sizing of the top was wrong or if I just have a really massive head,” she told Metro.

Olivia tweeted Pretty Little Thing about the top, and the hilarious pictures of her struggling with it started to go viral. Soon, she began hearing from women who were experiencing the same issue:

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plt top

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Please scroll through all the replies here if you need a laugh, there are SO many pictures and each is as funny as the last.

According to Metro the site has since discontinued the top, and offered Olivia both a refund and a discount code for her next purchase.

Was it all worth it on the basis of pure comedy? We’re going to say yes.

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